Why Are Loose Leaf Teas Better Than Tea Bags?
All of our teas are loose leaf teas, none are bagged. This is because loose leaf teas are better than tea bags. Why are loose leaf teas better, you ask? We have three answers:
Tea bags are to loose leaf teas about what those little miniature bottles of wine are to real bottles: Obviously inferior and something that should be avoided except in emergencies. Here are three reasons:
1. Tea picked for tea bags are not the best picks
Loose leaf teas are hand picked to get the best leaves at the best time to make the best tea. Most tea for tea bags has been machine picked, and the machines can’t compete with humans in picking the best leaves at the best times. The machines are not even let anywhere near the best tea plants. This makes loose leaf teas better.
2. Tea bags are where you hide bad teas
Even if hand picked teas are used for tea bags it is not the best tea. It is hard to get away with selling bad teas loose. Buyers and consumers see exactly what they get, and are likely to be discerning customers. What do you do then with the tea you have left after sorting out the best quality stuff to sell in loose weight? You cram the rest into bags and sell them that way. This makes loose leaf teas better.
3. Because science!
The unbroken leaves of loose leaf tea keep better as they are whole and have less surface interacting with air, which also make them steep better while slowly releasing their goodness into your cup without going bitter. Most good loose leaf teas can be re-steeped several times for multiple great-tasting cups (however 95% of the caffeine is released in the first 30 seconds). This makes loose leaf teas better.
We hope you are sufficiently convinced to let us help you discover your favorite loose leaf teas. Check out our loose leaf subscriptions to get started today! We also have loose leaf tea gifts.
Interested in learning more about loose leaf teas? This MasterClass article is a great starting point.